Experimenting – Astrophotography

Winter is here, and in Christchurch, we’ve had a few weeks and days of freeze.  Last night I explored a bit of astro, since a “high” is hovering above the country.  It was freezing cold when I tried to get a star trail above the city.  The temperature was about 0 degrees centigrade, and the city was covered with a layer of fog, but from the port-hills, it was perfect condition.  I was going to do a composite of 2 + hour shots (of 20 seconds), but after an hour, an aeroplane was about to cross right in front of the shot, so I stopped it at just over an hour.  I also discovered that I was slightly out of focus though it is only noticeable at 1:1.

Here’s the first effortMP100003 lores Experimenting   Astrophotography Image