Langkawi Island – updated

Here I am on Langkawi – after a change of plans.  Unfortunately the 3 nights I’ll here, the forecast is rain, rain and rain…. but let’s hope the sun will shine through the clouds occasionally.  I haven’t explore the island fully yet, just a stroll from the hotel to the beach, so only a few pics at the moment.

The wild life is interesting – I’ve seen monkeys and squirrels darting along the trees and power lines!  Will explore more tomorrow….


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Monkey Business – Langkawi

Day 2

Although the forecast was bad, it turned out quite good.  I managed to explore half the island even though I did not do the ‘tourist thing’.  Its incredible how there are still small villages, and untouched rain forest.  The wild animals come out on the streets!

I also managed to locate many nice beaches and bays (“Teluk” in the local language)

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Monkey Face!

Day 3

Laze around…… went to the Wet Market at Kuah.

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Chicks for sale – Langkawi wet market


On the beach, many tiny crabs busy themselves digging holes and depositing sand (look for the crab near the hole – tiny little thing less than 1cm).  Couldn’t hep observing this tiny crab depositing marbles of sand….   Later for lunch it was sweet and sour Mud Crab!

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Look at the tiny crab (less than 1cm) busy digging a hole and depositing sand