Vietnam…… more

Ho Chi Minh – Saigon

It was good to visit the War museum of Ho Chi Minh City and get a sense of the horrors of war – especially the atrocities.  Getting there gave me a sense of the busy-ness of the city too.  The city is kind of chaotic, but it works!  The traffic is crazy, but it also works.  Grab (Uber equivalent) taxis and Grab Scooters are easily available.  If anything it is the traffic jam that will eventually drive any NZer crazy but after half a day, I accepted it as the ‘norm’ around here.  After all it is a city of 10 Million or so people!!!

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One of the most influential photos of the 20th century

After the hustle and bustle of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), I have left for Da Nang in the north.

Da Nang

Arriving in the early hours 9.00am on a Saturday I was pleasantly surprised to find a city quieter than Saigon, and blue skies.  It was still very hot though –  30+C !  We hired a scooter – but after the initial concerns, we soon got into the groove of ‘who dares win’ traffic!  It is a very nice city with the 4 bridges all lit up in the evenings, and a Ferris Wheel to match!

(Update: 8th July: the Dragon Bridge breathes out fire and water after 9pm!!!)

Nearby there is the Marble Mountain.  On top of the mountain, there are pagodas and Buddhist temples and Monks chanting.   I’ve been surprised at the expression of religious faiths in Vietnam.  For a Communist country I thought I wouldn’t see much, but there are many Catholic Churches and Buddhist temples.  The street leading up the mountain has many shops selling carving of statues – mainly of Buddha, but also Goddess of Mercy (Toaists) and Catholic Statues!

The first night we went to Hoi An, a UNESCO heritage city/town.


Hoi An

Incredible is the word.  If you ever come here, wait for the sunset – its worthwhile.  Too many tourist though!  Wish I had a tripod for the camera but luckily the image stabilizer in the camera gave me some leverage!

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Jostling for a shot