Michael Pui

OK….. I’m back!

After 4 months of Salmon hunting, I have taken up my camera again.  Did should the occasional pic in the salmon season, but it was hard to do both.

Autumn is here….. so

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Canty Uni, AUTUMN 2015

Astrophotography – Now on the menu

I’ve just created a new page, and a new link on the home page for Astrophotography



Vanuatu – Land of the Happy People

Had a week in Vanuatu without any planning.  My base was Port Vila, the capital, which was situated on the island of Efate.  When I was there, I discovered that I should have gone to the island of Tanna to the world’s most accessible live volcano.  Never mind – next time.

I think Vanuatu is at a cross-road.  Soon tourism will take a deeper grip of life there, and the quiet simple life will change.  I am glad I was there before the big changes come.

I quietly explored the nearby island and walked through some of the villages.  The people were genuine, and I was so touched when I got invited for lunch. The people are generally happy despite, if compared to the NZ scenes, they have little.  They actually have a lot without realising it.  They are generous, curious, and very happy to pose for photographs!.

Photographic-wise, I had thought I could do heaps of Astrophotography – but when I was there, the sky was usually cloudy and variable, and I wasn’t sure about the accessibility of the other islands which will give me the dark skies.



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Albert of Ifira



Cape Kidnappers

My collection of New Zealand pictures now includes photos of Cape Kidnappers.  I discovered it almost by accident. On my way to Napier I saw a sign saying “Cape Kidnappers”.  To have an ipad with GPS helps one to get a better idea of the lie of  the land and make decisions on detours!

So after $1 to enter the campsite, I was given a $50 deal cabin for the night!  Went to Napier and came back.

The timing is not good for photography: the gannets are away (the cape is famous for its  gannet colony) and the weather is overcast! Sigh!


Made the best of it….


hope to come back on day: september is great for the fruit blossoms, and october onwards for the gannets.

Hone Ma Heke – Rebel with a Cause!

At first I thought it was a tourist attraction – a kind of horse ride being offered – when I spied a photo opportunity of a man and his horse cart in the middle of Nelson.   As I started to photograph, it became clear that the man has most of his possession with him on the horse cart, and another “trailer cart” on the opposite side of the road.  I went for a chat, and Hone Ma Heke made himself known.  I recorded in my notes “Mahiki”, but upon research of old news item, found that it is “Ma Heke”.  He tells me of his rebelling against the system.  He did not use the word “rebelling”.  He speaks more of his freedom – freedom to choose against a system that is corrupt.

Referring to the NZ Bill of Rights he tells me that everyone has the right to freedom of movement in New Zealand – but at the moment, the Council, and the local businesses are trying to ban him from the city.  He has many “parking tickets”, and being charged with running a motorised vehicle illegally – and if that were true, then its the first motorised horse I’ve met!  He takes up at least two parking spaces, so I guess that’s one of the reason they are against him.  He now has to hang around town because of a few pending court cases.

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Tickets galore!


He does not even receive the benefit.  He sees himself free.  He survives on goodwill of others, receiving “koha” – donation.

We had a good chat, and we parted with a hongi.


God bless him.


View More Photos



P/s I went back later and gave him a loaf of cake.

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Hone Ma Heke,
Rebel with a Cause!

Astrophotography in Westland

At last, clear sky and no wind…..  perfect.   Still a few to process, but this one is the first to be looked at!


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Westland – West Coast

In Westland for a bit of R&R. It is a paradise for New Zealand pictures!.  Bird life, Native forest, sceneries…… but at this moment astrophotography is out as the sky seems to me either cloudy or hazy!.

Managed to get a glimpse of some stars on the way here, but within minutes, the cloud moved in.


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Thought it would be cool having Castle Hill Rocks in the foreground and the Milky way in the sky, but it is not to be.


So, off to the coast….




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Astrophotography – the learning Curve


I now have an equatorial tracker to track the stars, but long exposure at high ISO is problematic.  I am climbing the steep learning curve!!  There are so many things to learn and so many discoveries to be made.  New Zealand is such a great place for Astrophotography – many places with little light pollution, and good to be able to experiment and learn.

Although winter time is the best time for astrophotography, lately, it has been either very cold or moon-lit, or cloudy- making it hard to track the stars!  Moonlit nights offer a different opportunity: the landscape can be shown better in the foreground, and with the moon-light, comes also the extra advantage of not having to grope for dials to adjust the equipment in the dark!.

I have been too busy to scout new locations.   Hopefully I can get to Mackenzie Country for the incredible night Sky soon.

I hope to go to one of the Island nations shortly – and I am wondering if the night sky there is as good as it is in NZ.  I suppose it would be, as noise pollution should be minimal.  I guess the sky does not ‘belong’ to any country, so my shots from there can still count as New Zealand pictures? Or should I list them under “overseas!



(update) – with the advent of the Super Moon, I’ve taken several shots pre, during and post the full moon.  It also means that it is hard to take start shots as the night sky is very bright!  I’ve now separated out the lunar shots into a category by itself.


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Night of “Super moon” 11th August 2014


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away……..so commence the words of the Movie Star Wars.

I’ve gone back to my kiddies time to explore the galaxies and celestial skies.  Below is one of my first attempts – thanks to improve technology, I’m able to do so in a more serious manner.  I hope to post more.  Can’t wait to get my hands on an Equatorial Tracker to track the stars!


(Click on “ETC” on the Homepage).  Not sure whether the skies belong to the Category, “New Zealand”





Castle Rock 5 stack Astrophotography Image

Christchurch – Post Quake: Fences, Vacant Lots & New Art !!!

After the earthquakes, Christchurch has changed as a city.

Immediately after the February 22nd quake, access to the CBD was really non-existence.  Now that the city has been opened up, it is an incredible  place for photography.   At this moment, there is some re-building, but as yet, not on a massive scale.   This means that for the moment, it is a city of fences and vacant lots….. and also new art, as artists are commissioned to add something to the ’empty’ spaces, and walls.


(For photos go to “etc”)